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Image by Tim Hüfner

Embracing Your Mission

The foundation for any company is its mission. Your mission should be ambitious and should reflect what the business stands for and what it plans to achieve.

You may find it hard to improve your company's performance and success if you don't also incorporate the mission. However, employee engagement will increase when you promote the mission in times of change.  

Why is your mission important?

Your mission should be what drives your team on a daily basis. Your mission is all about business and it must be a reflection of your organization's strategy, reinforced by your value proposition, and 

substantiated by hard facts and results. 


You mission will attract talent. It should be easily articulated by all members of your team and should resonate with new hires that you recruit.  When the mission is delivered correctly, a job seeker will easily understand how they can contribute to the organization and make an impact. In today's workplace, colleagues need to understand how they can make a difference.  


While it might be general, the mission should be measurable and have enough specificity that you can identify progress over time.  

Image by Terence Burke


Mission-driven workers are 54 percent more likely to stay for five years at a company. - Forbes


Eighty-one percent of those working for companies with a strong mission stated their stakeholders hold trust for their leadership team.  - Forbes


Mission-driven workers are 30 percent more likely to grow into high performers than those who arrive at work with only their paycheck as the motivator. - Forbes

How to do it? 

It begins by understanding the true value of your mission.  We can help.


Gallup analyzed almost 50,000 business units in just shy of 200 organizations, across 50 industries in over 30 countries...a few things stood out:


  • Mission drives loyalty across generations

  • Mission fosters customer engagement

  • Mission improves strategic alignment

  • Mission brings clarity

  • Mission can be measured


conseri can help you get more from your team and from your organization with a strong mission that guides how you serve your clients and your people. Organizations that foster a healthy and present work culture, that is guided by a relevant mission and genuine engagement, chart their path to success with differentiation in their markets and also keep high-performing talent. We can help. 

Image by paolo candelo

Start Embracing Your Company Mission

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